NFTs. Revolution or hype of digital property (2021)

Presentation on the relationship between NFTs, Videogames, Gamification and DeFi by Dr Flavio Escribano during La Mistura. Etopia Zaragoza. NOV 5, 2021

Mevaterse on Canal7 (2021)

Interview with Dr Flavio Escribano on Canal7 (Mendoza, Argentina) about Mark Zuckerberg’s recent announcement to transform the popular social network Facebook into Metaverse. 2NOV 2021

El País – Retina. Los videojuegos pueden ayudarte a conseguir trabajo (2018)

[Link al artículo]: Artículo sobre el proyecto xBadges.
“Las empresas cada vez valoran más las denominadas habilidades blandas en sus procesos de selección y los juegos digitales ayudan a potenciarlas”

xBadges project at National Radio RN4 [Catalan] (2017)

Jordi Carrasco from HELIX3C speaking about how xBadges Project demonstrates how training soft skills with commercial videogames

GECON’s Iversity Gamification 2015 Course Participation [English] (2015)

Flavio Escribano and Jordi Moreton talk about their research on Gamification of Events during 2015 Gamification Course by Iversity.

Gamification examples on a TV Show (2015)

Team member Flavio Escribano was interviewed on TV show to speak about Tourism and Culture Gamification examples, among them BadgeCulture

Water Utilities’ Gamification (2015)

An introduction about the benefits of using gamification on Water Utilities. February 6, de 2015. @CETaqua.

3DWire Gamification (2015)

>RTVE – Zoom Net

> – Official Blog


BadgeCulture (2014)

GSM Barcelona – Youtube Channel

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