Gaming Research Projects
These are video games & soft skills, gamification research, development and innovation projects on which is currently participating or has worked in the past.
Current Projects
Project url:
Project span: 2023 – 2026
MEGASKILLS – MEthodology of Psycho-pedagogical, Big Data and Commercial Video GAmes procedures for the European SKILLS Agenda Implementation is a RIA Horizon Europe Project, operating from 2023 to 2026.
The project aims to:
- Stadardize 21st century soft skills based on the manifest needs of industry and education
- Create innovative training and evaluation techniques through technologies such as commercial video games, AI and machine learning algorithms
- Implement methodologies and educational designs that will build an affordable strategy for the new educational-labour paradigm at a European level.
MEGASKILLS consortium members are:
- TECNALIA (leader)
- Palacký University Olomouc
- CEA-PME (European Entrepreneurs)
- ALL Digital
- Foundation
- The University of Warwick
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101094275
Upskilling Game Engine.
Project url:
Project span: 2022 – 2025
Waterjug‘s project, in collaboration with Eurecat and Foundation, founded in the Call I+D empresarial de aplicación a los ámbitos de audiovisual y de los videojuegos, y la transferencia y adaptación de estos desarrollos a otros sectores de aplicación by Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain.
UpSkilling Game Engine is an R&D project for the development of a soft skills training, evaluation and certification engine for upskilling and reskilling of employees in the workplace with mobile video games and the use of AI technology for processing massive data and smart application tailoring.
Housing +. Bridging the Gap in Housing Studies
Project url:
Project span: 2020 – 2023
In this Eramus + European project collaborates with several organizations along Europe (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Uniwersytet Slaski, National University of Ireland Galway, Union Internationale de la Propriete Immobiliere & Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology) in order improve training on housing and real estate fields in several agents involved.
To achieve this goal, Housing+ has several Intelectual Outputs aimed to promote some priorites as “Supporting educators, young workers, educational leaders and support staff” and “Open education and innovative practices in a digital age” and challenges such as addresing skills gaps within the industry value chain, systematizing the needs and values in different areas of the EU.
Specifically the IOS are:
- Housing+ on-line set of OER.
- Guidelines for the implementation of gamification in HE practices
- Gamified Mobile micro-learning platform
- Course book on “Housing studies”
- Documentary films on housing
- Seminar “Condominium under the microscope”
*Housing + is encompassed within the Horizon 2020 framework, Erasmus +, “Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices” call, specifically in “Strategic Partnerships for higher education” with code KA203jhh-7A2BBF39.
VERSA. Video Games for PhD Soft Skills Training
Project url:
Project span: 2021 – 2023
- Project Summary Post.
In this European project collaborates with several Universities along Europe (specifically Universidad Rovira i Virgili, University of Innsbruck & Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) in order to promote and enhance entrepreneurship and open science soft skills in the students of doctoral programs.
To do this, VERSA will provide several training modules for 2 years training, specific to different soft skills with the use of commercial video games and the use of one of our projects listed below:
Through the use of video games the PhD students will have the opportunity to play some hours between 2-3 months per module, along with completing some standarized tests and do a coaching session in order to generate more data to enrich the evaluation process.
* VERSA is an innovative education project born from an Horizon 2020 Framework Programme: SwafS-08-2019-2020 Science with and for Society. Project focused on Research innovation needs & skills training in PhD programmes as a CSA Coordination and support action.
Soft Skills Games
Soft Skills Games is a project that aims to connect soft skills with video games. We are able to detect what soft skills are being trained by video games and make them visible through the website, where the data generated by the player is shown as talent graphic map.
This information can be used for several proposes, for example from younger gamer candidates who want to enrich their CV or companies who want to train their employees in a specific soft skills, to Game Designers who want to improve their product design or apply their video games into new sectors like education, offering a new popular training and assessment tool. Foundation collaborates selflessly in this project in which the different hypotheses on soft skills training through the use of commercial video games continue to be tested.
Completed Projects
Project span: Nov. 2015 – Oct. 2017
URL: xBadges Posts and Compartia worked together in xBadges project in the requirements analysis of the use case, in the study of learning models and KPIs and also in the prototype functional design.
xBadges is a gamification project to develop a prototype to digitally identify, validate and certify key skills by analyzing videogame telemetry and by capturing and identifying emotions in facial gestures of players.
xBadges is a research project by Foundation and Compartia SL to identify, assess and certify key skills of video game players using computer vision technologies to recognize facial expressions and identify emotions, psychopedagogic models for its assessment and Mozilla OpenBadges for its certification, in an official, safe and portable way. The system also generates a feedback of player’s emotional states generating an emotional map for video game developers.
* xBadges (TSI-100600-2015-30) project is funded by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism in the framework of the aid granting call for projects in the Strategic Action of Digital Economy and Society 2015, within the National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation, and cofunded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
GAMeeP – Gamified Motivational Employee Engagement Platform
Project span: Apr. 2015 – Mar. 2017 collaborates with Compartia in GAMeeP project in the gamification strategy design and in the player profiling engine & dynamic gamification engine development.
GAMeeP: Gamified Platform for employee motivation and engagement is a project to develop a prototype of job processes gamification, co-workers relations and incentives to improve the quality of working life and whose final goal is to increase general productivity of teams and organizations and simplify the management of human resources while increasing the sense of well-being and employee engagement.
* GAMeeP is an applied research project (2015-2017) in the area of Quality of Working Life. The project has been co-funded by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) under the scheme of the Research and Development projects and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Smart growth ERDF 2014-20 OP.
e-TUR2020: TUrismo & Retail
Project span: Sep. 2015 – Ago. 2019 collaborates with Compartia in eTUR2020 in the tourism sector gamification analysis, in the gamification strategy design and in the research of emerging standards in gamification.
e-TUR 2020: Tourism & Retail is a project to develop a prototype platform which aims to transform disruptively tourism and retail supply by providing a new purchase experience through real-time interaction with mobile applications and Internet of things, and allowing tourism and retail agents work together to innovate new tourism products tailored to smart destinations.
The project runs over 2015-2019 with the Participation of Tecnocom Telecomunicaciones y Energía, S.A., Compartia S.L., Solusoft S.L., Eurona Wireless Telecom S.A., Zemsania S.L., Groupalia Compra Colectiva S.L. and with the participation of EURECAT Centro Tecnológico de Cataluña, la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Fundación Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Turismo y Ocio de Cataluña and Instituto Madrileño de Estudios Avanzados en Tecnologías de Desarrollo Software.
*The project has been co-funded by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) under the scheme of the 2015 Strategic Program National Business Research Consortia (CIEN).
3DWire 2014 & 2015 Gamification
2014 ed. project span: Aug. 2014 – Dec. 2014
2015 ed. project span: Aug. 2015 – Jan. 2016
-Information about the project:
<2015 Edition:>
<2014 Edition:>
In September 2014 received a request from Paramotion Films to gamify 3DWire event, a request which materialized again in 2015. 3DWire is an annual event for animation and digital audiovisual production (New Media, ICT and Videogames) held in Segovia (Spain) that brings together lots of professionals, both national and international. The creator and organizer of the event is Paramotion Films, a production company from Segovia and Madrid dedicated to the production of advertising films, short films, animation and digital postproduction. Paramotion Films requested the creation of the first Gamified experience for 3DWire, defining two main objectives:
To attract attendees to less frequented areas of the event.
To promote networking between attendees. conducted an intervention using gamification techniques with very successful results (visit sites with project information for details).
InnGames 2015 Gamification
Project span: Apr. 2015- May. 2015
-Information about the project: <>
In April 2015 received the request from INJUVE to Gamify the InnGames 2015 event. InnGames is an international event which in 2015 was held in the city of Malaga and concentrated outstanding professionals of the gaming industry and interested public.
For the occasion and because the target audience, we conducted a pioneering gamification experience with the corporate platform Line@, with excellent results.
Project span: Jul. 2013 – Jun. 2015
-Research project site:: <>
-Prototype: <> collaborated with Compartia in the development of Badgeculture. The main objective of BadgeCulture is to promote citizen engagement in cultural tourism activities through a gamified certification system, based on the assignment of micro-credentials digitally certified by cultural institutions, both public and private.
*Project BadgeCulture with the participation of COMPARTIA, S.L. and MARINVA SERVEIS I PROJECTES, S.L., with file TSI-100600-2013-217 is been co-funded by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism through the Spanish National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2013-2016.
Project span: Aug. 2012 – Dec. 2014
-Research project site: <> collaborated with Compartia in the development of ReuseTIC.
The project ended in 2015 and has represented the combination of advanced information technology with serious games and Gamification design techniques, with the aim of analyzing the perception and social rejection regarding water reuse (the so-called “yuck factor“).
* The ReuseTIC project: Serious game to improve the social perception of recycling in the sphere of water, with file IPT-2012-0592-310000, is funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness in the framework of the call in 2012, through the Programa Nacional de Cooperación Público-Privada – subprograma INNPACTO, along the line of Articulation and Internationalization of the System, within the National Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation Plan (National R&D&I plan), 2008-2011.
Living CO2
Project span: Sep. 2011 – Dec. 2013
-Site del proyecto de investigación: <>
The objective of the project is the characterization, measuring, integration and sharing of personal carbon footprint profile from daily activities. Therefore, the project develops an end-user mobile application in which gamification techniques are applied to increase the participation level in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
*The LivingCO2 project: socio-technological platform for the characterization, measuring, integration and sharing of the profile of personal carbon footprint, with file IPT-2011-0866-440000, is funded by the Ministery of Economy and Competitiveness in the framework of the call for funding for science research and technology along the line of Articulation and Internationalization of the System, within the National Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation Plan (National R&D&I plan), 2008-2011.
- Previous projects: Between 2009 and 2011, participated in two more RDi projects cofunded by Avanza program by the Ministery of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, and Innpacto program by the Ministery of Science and Innovation: SECloud (secure platform for cloud applications) and GreenIDI (collaborative environment for corporations to interact and innovate).
Other links:
- About
- What is Gamification?
- Projects
- Check the media
- Partners